Did it! It felt GREAT. My offical time as 37:06. So proud of crossing the finish line. Parker was there to cheer me on :) Here are my results. My head looks funny in this photo.
It was so "different" running outside and having all of the people. There were approx. 1200 runners on the day. The encouragement and noise definately helped. The first part of the race was the most difficult for me - hill right off the bat. I only ended up walking up the hill, and then a stretch on the backside of the river. It felt pretty darn good.
There are a few races coming up in the area the next few months that I am going to sign up for. This running thing has me hooked!
My goal for next year on the Earth Day 5k is to run it in under 30 minutes. I surpassed my goal this year to finish under 40 min. Now the next year I just need to work on my SPEED.