It's March - yipppee! Parker and I have been BUSY this week. He is working on the letter L at school. Dispite the meltdown yesterday morning to bring something for share day, we are both doing wonderful!!!
We are heading to the cities on Saturday morning for my cousin Kelly's baby shower. She is one of the cutest pregnant mommies I know :)
Kels + Graham are in sunny Cabo San Lucas - and I'm jealous! Although, I was promised a stay-home present (he he he). Can't wait for them to get home. We have a list of some things to get planned for the wedding - and I need to get going on the shower + bachelorette party.
I have fallen in love with a new website - as you will notice my new header and background. If you haven't checked it out should! It's absolutely AMAZING! These are by far 3 of my favorite artists in this industry. Now I have an excuse to do even more scrapbooking. Which by the way, I made a resolution to start posting more of my work. I need to get on that!
Spring is just around the corner! I ordered Parker his summer gear the other day - he'll be sporting Orange crocks this year and a handful of some super cute gear from Old Navy. Gotta love finding the deals!
I started off the season with an adorable pair of peep toe print heels and am wearing them today ;) Aren't they cute?!!!