
Friday, October 2, 2009

Interview with Parker

My sister sent me a link yesterday with a cute idea to do an interview, so I did one with Parker. Here you go!

Interview with Parker, 10.1.09
(my comments are in parentheses)

What is your full name?: Parker and Duane and Knutson
How old are you?: 4
When is your birthday?: April
What is your favorite color?: Blue and red and orange and green and black and yellow, ok? Mommy...ok? Did you get all those?
What is your favorite thing to watch on tv?: Power Rangers (I think he's watched PR a total of MAYBE 3-4 times!)
What is your favorite thing to do?: Play with you
Who is your favorite friend?: Tommy and Olivia and Ben and Chloe and Eva and Ethan and Ethan and Andrew and all my sunshines. Some we don't know, right? (right buddy...you don't remember ALL of your friends names)
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Batman (no idea where this came from!)
What is your favorite animal?: Giraffe (this one's for you, Kels)
Are you a boy or girl?: Boy
Are you sad or happy?: Happy!
Where do you live?: Here, where I am right now
Where does mommy live?: Here
Who is your favorite person?: You (melts my heart, buddy -- you are my favortie too!)
What is your favorite thing to eat?: Watermelon
What is your favorite sport?: Baseball and football and soccer (not so much soccer, buddy, I signed you up and you didn't like it)
Who is your favorite dog?: Big Bodde (he really does love that dog)
What is your favorite book?: Fred and Ted
Was this fun?: Yeah

1 comment:

gk said...

Loved this! So excited to see you guys this weekend. Tell Parker his favorite dog and auntie are coming to have a snuggle party all weekend! Love you!

Insider Clip

Parker's GAP video

San Fwancysco

The color quality isn't the greatest on this - but turn up the volume and listen to the excitement in Parker's voice about our trip next week!!!