
Monday, August 6, 2007

Parker Photos

Word on the street - Parker is pursuing his modeling career!!!!!
I've been in contact with a Modeling Agency in Minneapolis. We are getting his profile ready for potential clients to review. If there is an interest, Parker will go to a casting - and if they like him book a photo shoot. From there we wait for the check :) I'm just waiting to see what happens with all of this. If nothing else, I will know that I tried!

Our friend, Gina Hagen, come over yesterday to snap some photos of Parker. There were 171 of my little man!!!! Here are some of my favorites...LOVE the ones on the motorcycle :)


Anonymous said...

What a handsome boy! Now, where do you think he learned to stick his tounge out like that?! Can't wait to see how this modeling career progresses...love, auntie

Kameron & Teresa said...

Good Luck!!!

We had Maddie in a baby contest when she was 10 mo. old. She stole the show...she won for prettiest eyes, sweetest smile and the 8-14 mo. girls division winner, a photo shoot with some photographer in Chicago (before we lived here though and you had to pay to get here!) and a chance to go to national's....of course if you went on to the next round you had to pay mega bucks!

Parker will definately steal the show! He is so cute!!! Hope it all goes well for you. :)

Insider Clip

Parker's GAP video

San Fwancysco

The color quality isn't the greatest on this - but turn up the volume and listen to the excitement in Parker's voice about our trip next week!!!