Parker had a BLAST wrapping presents. He used more tape the outside of the box. He wore the "special" bracelet that helped dispense the tape. It was all over the rug on the living room floor - right side up, and right side down. And, then he insisted on using the scissors to cut the paper. Hmmm...I think we wasted more tape and paper than we needed, but it was the fun of it for him that counted. And, we can always buy more! I was tested with my patience level - and, as a result we have about 3 presents under the tree. This mom needs to get wrapping :)
Parker tells me that Santa is going to bring him "a big blue one"...we're on the hunt for the perfect paper and hope that what Santa brings for Christmas is EXACTLY what he wants! He had snack with Santa at school yesterday and rode on the sleigh. Parker told me all about it..."Tommy not want to ride wif Santa. I sitting in Kaiden. And Yivia." Cute.
You are such a great helper Parker! Next year Auntie is going to have you come and help her (Bodde was not much of a good sport this year for wrapping). Love you and can't wait to see you on Saturday!! PS: Is that raffie in the background helping too?!
Yes - of course it is a raffie in the background :)
Parker will LOVE to help you next year - just make sure that you have the "tape bracelet" and a little scissors for him and you'll be set!
Love you! Can't wait to see you on Saturday :)
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