..."We're going down to Snapy Zoo, I wonder what we'll see. We're sure to find a zebra there as striped as one can be!" Parker LOVES this book about the animals at the zoo :) We read it over and over and over this morning before we left for daycare. He was sitting on the floor in the kitchen and I told him to read the book to mommy...so he started flipping throug the pages and naming the animals - it was SO CUTE! He has really been into books lately, just can't get enough of them. I am so happy to see that he enjoys reading!
Well, the decoraitons are up! As much as Parker didn't want to help me, he did. We had spaghetti for supper last night so he took a bath early and then thought it was time to read books and go to bed. Mom had another agenda. But, it was fine. He continues to be amazed by the lights on the tree. It is so special to see his eyes look with wonder.
Oh...and one more thing I accomplished last night - I cleaned out the silverware drawer. Grandma, if you're reading this I DID IT :)