Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Prayers for Jon
We are lifting up Jon Schroeder and his family in prayer. Please visit the Caring Bridge site to learn more: http://caringbridge.org/visit/jonschroeder. In Him, we ask for his healing touch in every minute of Jon's day.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
I met my friend Ali for coffee this morning and we talked the hour away! She is such a sweet, caring, patient, fashionable woman that I am proud to call my friend!
Parker & Grammy bundled up and went for a sled ride/walk outside in the snow. He's so cute with his winter gear - Spiderman boots and all!
We are going to church at 3:30 pm tonight and then opening a few presents. Parker tells me that he is getting excited!
Kels & Graham will be here on Friday morning - bright and early! Can't wait to spend time with them. We are making some holiday craft projects as well, look for pics of our handy work soon :)
Enjoy the wonder of tonight!
Parker & Grammy bundled up and went for a sled ride/walk outside in the snow. He's so cute with his winter gear - Spiderman boots and all!
We are going to church at 3:30 pm tonight and then opening a few presents. Parker tells me that he is getting excited!
Kels & Graham will be here on Friday morning - bright and early! Can't wait to spend time with them. We are making some holiday craft projects as well, look for pics of our handy work soon :)
Enjoy the wonder of tonight!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
December Updates

Whew...5 days until Christmas! Parker is beyond excited to open presents. He's going to leave carrots and oats for the reindeer. And cookies for Santa. He asked me what I had on my list when we were driving in the car last night and said "Santa is checking twice". So stinkin cute!
Parker had his Christmas program at school yesterday afternoon.

They sang 3 songs - he did a great job and was waving and smiling the whole time to me! We went to Subway (his choice) afterwards to have a sandwich and a cookie. A slight melt-down on sandwich#1 that got made. Note: he likes the mayonaise on the BOTTOM of the bread...the ham, pepperoni, salomi, and sprinkle cheese goes on the top.

We are in Spicer for the weekend - hoping not to get snowed in! We are going to see The Tale of Desperaux movie this afternoon. Can't wait to bring Parker to the theatre. He insisted that Grammy take him - and you know her, she gives in :) All in good nature though. She loves him so. He specifically said that he wanted to go to the movies with his family. What a boy - always including!
We wrapped some presents this morning. Note: Grammy you have all paper for boys, none for girls. We'll be re-stocking the supply at the after Christmas bargain sales. Love looking for the deals!

Parker also decided that he does not like hot chocolate - but posed for a cute picutre anyways!

2 days of work this week and then we are home bound for the Holidays. We are looking forward to spending time with our family. Love you guys.
Parker tells us that we have to wait to open our presents until it is Christmas time. He also loves looking for the lights at night-time...he tells me "Mommy - look for Christmas on your side". I love that he gets so excited at this time of year. I'm looking forward to the expression on his face when he opens his presents - fingers crossed that he'll enjoy all of his gifts. There are some Spidey things, a doctor kit, workbench, and games coming his way - he should be set for entertainment!
Merry Christmas from our home to yours. I still haven't received our cards yet - can't complain though for spending $6.13 (including tax and shipping) at Winkflash. I'm still working on the letter as well...I best be on my way to finish it up!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Dancing + sprinkles + decorations galore!
We love it when Auntie Kels is home with us! We spent the weekend making Christmas treats, singing the Hokey Pokey, watching Polar Express, going on a bear hunt (indoors + outdoors), shopping, making chalkboards, eating way too spicy chipotle chicken pizza, chopping down evergreen boughs, putting up Christmas decorations, watching Incredibles, hanging ornaments, and just being together. It was GREAT!
Parker even cooperated for a photo to use for the Christmas card...unbelievable! He smiled and everything. What a great boy. He has been asking so many questions, telling so many stories, and comes up with the cutest one liners we know. That boy makes me so happy to be his mama!
Friday, November 28, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Wow. Where has the time gone!
We had a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner at my mom & dads. My mom made a wonderful meal. Grandma brought a to die for salad. And auntie Dawn made this amazing apple dip. We played games and enjoyed each other's company. It was great! Parker got to play with is most favorite cousins. He had a blast.
Today we spent the day helping Grammy get the Christmas decorations out. We went for a walk after lunch time and managed to get some really cool red dogwood braches. I'm excited to put them together with some evergreens for a nice holiday arrangement.
I love this time of year. It is my favorite season.
I'm working on a December Daily album - found the inspiration on this site. I have the "guts" of my album started and can't wait to document the 25 days of December.
I need to get a list of the gifts that I have already purchased + a list of the ones that I still need to buy.
Parker is wonderful. He is back at New Horizons and loving it immensely. I can't believe how in 1 day he is "himself" again. Learning, growing, discovering, and most of all being challenged EVERY day. I'm thankful to be working back at Merrill and am enjoying my job. Wow, what a difference it makes to WANT to get up and go to work every day - and feel like I am making a difference and am putting my talents and abilities to good use.
We're waiting for Auntie Kels to get here! She's spending the rest of the weekend with us. We love being together. We'll miss Graham and Bodde...
Enjoy the start to this amazing season.
We had a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner at my mom & dads. My mom made a wonderful meal. Grandma brought a to die for salad. And auntie Dawn made this amazing apple dip. We played games and enjoyed each other's company. It was great! Parker got to play with is most favorite cousins. He had a blast.
Today we spent the day helping Grammy get the Christmas decorations out. We went for a walk after lunch time and managed to get some really cool red dogwood braches. I'm excited to put them together with some evergreens for a nice holiday arrangement.
I love this time of year. It is my favorite season.
I'm working on a December Daily album - found the inspiration on this site. I have the "guts" of my album started and can't wait to document the 25 days of December.
I need to get a list of the gifts that I have already purchased + a list of the ones that I still need to buy.
Parker is wonderful. He is back at New Horizons and loving it immensely. I can't believe how in 1 day he is "himself" again. Learning, growing, discovering, and most of all being challenged EVERY day. I'm thankful to be working back at Merrill and am enjoying my job. Wow, what a difference it makes to WANT to get up and go to work every day - and feel like I am making a difference and am putting my talents and abilities to good use.
We're waiting for Auntie Kels to get here! She's spending the rest of the weekend with us. We love being together. We'll miss Graham and Bodde...
Enjoy the start to this amazing season.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Madagascar 2
I was lucky I even got a picture in Parker's excitement for his Halloween costume this year (yes-I know I'm EXTREMELY late in posting these pics...sorry!). Needless to say, he was at his finest in full Spidey gear. Bonus: he had Spidey socks, undies, and slippers to match! One boy can NEVER have enough Spidey things.
We carved a pumpkin for the first time together. Parker wasn't a fan of the "gunk". And the tail on the cat fell off the next morning. Oh well :)
He forgot completely about whole bucket of candy he got. I was so proud of him when we went trick-or-treating. YES, Parker you must say 'thank you' at every house. Oh man, mommy - that's alot of times. I know buddy.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
New Spectacles

Parker got his glasses last night! He looks like a little professor with them...and made sure that he got the pair that he can see the rainbow in (not sure what that means!). Today is his first full day of wear - we had several discussions leading up to the day he got them. He was FULL of questions last night. Can't stress the importance of how good it feels to be able to talk to him and see him comprehend/process things! It's a GREAT feeling :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
ali j's
We had the honor of meeting a fabuous woman on Saturday afternoon...Ali J! It's crazy how good it feels to meet someone for the first time and know that there is a purpose and timing for everything and everyone in your life. Thank you, Ali, for opening up your home and boutique for us :) We shopped and talked, Parker played, and we enjoyed the company of a beautiful, kind, smart, loving, and fashionable woman!!!
Ali's line includes: pashmina scarves in a variety of colors and styles. She also sports bangles, clutch bilfolds, and much more! If you're in the Willmar area - be SURE to stop at LuLu Beans on November 1st, where Ali will be showcasing her beautiful boutique items! To learn more, check out her website at: www.alijboutique.com.
The meet-greet was sure bliss. Thank you again, Ali!
Ali's line includes: pashmina scarves in a variety of colors and styles. She also sports bangles, clutch bilfolds, and much more! If you're in the Willmar area - be SURE to stop at LuLu Beans on November 1st, where Ali will be showcasing her beautiful boutique items! To learn more, check out her website at: www.alijboutique.com.
The meet-greet was sure bliss. Thank you again, Ali!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I am enjoying every minute of this beautiful Fall season!
I've started to think of the Holidays already...they will be here before we know it. Parker and I were doing some errands this weekend and I have *lots* of ideas floating around in my head for gift ideas! Now, it's just taking those ideas and putting them in motion!
Some exciting news...I am back at Merrill! Full time employee + benefits + daytime hours = happiness :) Week 2 started and it feels absolutely wonderful! THANK YOU to my friends and family (you know who you are!!!) who supported me the last 10 months. This change has done wonders - not only to my spirits, goals, confidence - but my checkbook as well!
We went trick-or-treating on Saturday at PineCone Marketplace. Parker got a whole bucket of candy. Come to think of it, he hasn't asked for one piece since we went...interesting! We ate lunch at Quiznos while watching the other kids come and go - saw some pretty neat costumes. And the Spiderman costume stayed on ALL day. Even for the afternoon nap, running of errands, supper, and movie before bed.
I have pictures to post! Forgot my camera cable at home to transfer them...so will do that this week :)
We are heading to the lake this weekend to relax and work on wedding projects!
I've started to think of the Holidays already...they will be here before we know it. Parker and I were doing some errands this weekend and I have *lots* of ideas floating around in my head for gift ideas! Now, it's just taking those ideas and putting them in motion!
Some exciting news...I am back at Merrill! Full time employee + benefits + daytime hours = happiness :) Week 2 started and it feels absolutely wonderful! THANK YOU to my friends and family (you know who you are!!!) who supported me the last 10 months. This change has done wonders - not only to my spirits, goals, confidence - but my checkbook as well!
We went trick-or-treating on Saturday at PineCone Marketplace. Parker got a whole bucket of candy. Come to think of it, he hasn't asked for one piece since we went...interesting! We ate lunch at Quiznos while watching the other kids come and go - saw some pretty neat costumes. And the Spiderman costume stayed on ALL day. Even for the afternoon nap, running of errands, supper, and movie before bed.
I have pictures to post! Forgot my camera cable at home to transfer them...so will do that this week :)
We are heading to the lake this weekend to relax and work on wedding projects!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Happy Fall!
Wow, it's been over a month since I made a blog post. Yikes! Things around here have been CRAZY...to say the least.
Parker and I had our eye exams this morning. And, we BOTH need glasses. We picked out some frames for Parker and he looks like quite the professor. I am thinking of ways that will be helpful in explaining + encouraging the full time wear of his new glasses.
We took a trip to the cities last weekend and spent with Graham & Kels. It was our annual trip to the Como Zoo. Such a fun time. Parker loved the animals more this year than last. Hearing the excitement in his voice and in his eyes was amazing. He's fascinated by the smallest things.
And...we got his Halloween costume. He is black Spiderman. He insisted on wearing it for 2 days in a row. Even slept in it. It is a hit! He's pumped up about it...and that it's Papa's birthday :)
We are heading to Ruttger's tomorrow to check out the place. And to get ideas flowing for the wedding next June. It's going to be here before we know it!
Am hoping to work on some pictures + albums this weekend. Maybe Sunday if I have time. Don't seem to have too much of that lately!
Adios - and more updates soon. I need to get better at posting weekly like I used to. SOON!
Oh - and this is my FAVORITE season. I love fall. YAY!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
target + ki memories
We've had a busy week! I feel like I am finally getting into a "groove" at work. It has been a little differenet than I anticipated adjusting to the hours. But, I am loving what I do and thats important. Parker is content at daycare. I am fortunate to have found such a great place for him to attend.
In modeling news, Parker was asked to go on an audtion for Target Corp. this week. Had it not been for the short (1 day) notice, we would have gone...but had to pass up this time around because I couldn't pull off the planning, and taking time off from work without pay. I've never been one of those "on the fly" type of people when it comes to the at home schedule. I need to work on that and just GO with things.

Poor little man is battling a summer cold. We are spending the long weekend at the lake and he crashed at 6:30 tonight. I guess thats what happens when he refuses to take an afternoon nap in fear he might miss something. He just hasn't been "himself" all week. Am thinking there will be a visit to Dr. Patti next door in the next day or so. That woman just inspires me!
I've also decided to submit for the Design Search with KI Memories.. I'll post my pages and questionnaire next week. I am feeling super inspired to work on a new mini-album for a Parker's new cousin that was born last week. It seems like everyone is having babies...no, I am NOT getting any ideas.
Happy Labor Day weekend. We are going to fill ours with family :)
In modeling news, Parker was asked to go on an audtion for Target Corp. this week. Had it not been for the short (1 day) notice, we would have gone...but had to pass up this time around because I couldn't pull off the planning, and taking time off from work without pay. I've never been one of those "on the fly" type of people when it comes to the at home schedule. I need to work on that and just GO with things.
Poor little man is battling a summer cold. We are spending the long weekend at the lake and he crashed at 6:30 tonight. I guess thats what happens when he refuses to take an afternoon nap in fear he might miss something. He just hasn't been "himself" all week. Am thinking there will be a visit to Dr. Patti next door in the next day or so. That woman just inspires me!
I've also decided to submit for the Design Search with KI Memories.. I'll post my pages and questionnaire next week. I am feeling super inspired to work on a new mini-album for a Parker's new cousin that was born last week. It seems like everyone is having babies...no, I am NOT getting any ideas.
Happy Labor Day weekend. We are going to fill ours with family :)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Back to school time

It's hard to believe that it is already back to school season. We did experiece the whole Target trip to get a new backpack - Batman, in fact. I was surprised that Parker chose it over Spiderman, his alltime favorite. I think it was the blue or something. But, it was all his choice and so far there have been no tears over it so that's a good thing!
I can't imagine how I will feel next year at this time, when Parker will actually be starting pre-school. One more year. My babe is growing up so fast and learning so many things. This week he surprised my by knowing how long "15 minutes" was...waiting for me to pick him up from daycare.
I'm feeling rather inspired after catching up on some of my favorite blogs this weekend! I NEED to get pictures printed and tackle some layouts for Parker's scrapbook. It's been too long.
Parker and I got to watch the Olympics for the first time this weekend. Currently, we don't have tv at home. It's one of those sacrifices, I guess. We get by with a movie every Monday night (compliments of Kels and the free RedBox code at McDonald's) and so far so good. Parker has actually been starting to tell me that we can take turns every other Monday to pick one out. That kid is all about including and making sure things are fair! I love it.
Anyways, the Olympics. Yes - that amazing race with Michael Phelps. You should have seen Parker cheering, jumping, hooting & hollering. It was priceless. He also followed up by telling us that he was going to be a swimmer some day. And today, he actually SWAM in the lake. Literally. He kicked his feet and moved his arms like a swimmer. We had some quality time with Patti, and she gobbled up every minute. It makes me thankful for good friends, a strong family bond, and appreciate the little things in life that mean so much.
Oh yes, and the fishing. Parker talks about it all week, up until the time he has his pole in hand and is on the dock reeling them in. I love the look of concentration in his eyes. We have such a good time *relaxing* when we are at the lake. Love spending time with Grammy & Papa.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Hello! Time for an update and the recent happenings in our lives.
Parker is adjusting well to his new daycare! He is making new friends in now time, like I knew he would . He still says he doesn't like going to daycare, but I have come to the conclusion that he will say this utnil he is AT LEAST 5 and goes to kindergarten. He's just too much of an "at home" kid...just like his mama!
My new job is going great :) I am seeing patients already and the days are going by so fast! I hope to test out of the first 2 levels of certification this week...and then onto the next rounds of training. It makes a world of a difference to have a job that is rewarding, satisfying, and that I feel is deserving. Wow.
We are heading to see Graham & Kels...by the way, they have a site up now too :) I can't get the link to work, so it is: www.grahamandkellsey.blogspot.com if you want to check it out! On Thursday afternoon we are going to run some errands with Kels, and then stay the night. I witnessed Parker's first meltdown and Bodde withdrawal the other night. Sobs, literally. On the phone with both Kels & Graham...that kid has the biggest attachment to that dog. But he's not just ANY dog...he's our Bodde!!!!!
Anyways, then we are off to Wisconsin for a long weekend! We are counting the days - really, on our 5 fingers - Parker knows that on the "ring finger" day we get to go see Graham, Kellsey, & Bodde. And on the "pinky finger" day we get to see Mark, Terri & the horsies. You should HEAR the excitement in his voice!!!
We are also gearing up for the family reunion in August. Aunt Evelyn is expecting over 100+ people...should be a great time!
It's a late post - I'm off to bed. We get to sleep in tomorrow morning, so I can get away with sneaking onto the computer at night. Which, by the way is one of Parker's new favorite things to do. He absolutely *LOVES* the www.starfall.com website to work on his letters. I'm trying to find some more educational sites to incorporate into his viewing...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
One last thing...I heard from Kenadi's mom (one of the other GAP winners) this week, and got goosebumps reading her email. Our internet is up and running (thanks to whoever in the neighborhood has an unsecured connection!). When I told Parker that I got a letter from her, he grinned from cheek to cheek...and then asked when we were going to see her :) Gotta love the curiosity of a 3 year old. There are some days when I wish he would understand the concept of time, and other days when I'm glad he can't comprehend.
Parker is adjusting well to his new daycare! He is making new friends in now time, like I knew he would . He still says he doesn't like going to daycare, but I have come to the conclusion that he will say this utnil he is AT LEAST 5 and goes to kindergarten. He's just too much of an "at home" kid...just like his mama!
My new job is going great :) I am seeing patients already and the days are going by so fast! I hope to test out of the first 2 levels of certification this week...and then onto the next rounds of training. It makes a world of a difference to have a job that is rewarding, satisfying, and that I feel is deserving. Wow.
We are heading to see Graham & Kels...by the way, they have a site up now too :) I can't get the link to work, so it is: www.grahamandkellsey.blogspot.com if you want to check it out! On Thursday afternoon we are going to run some errands with Kels, and then stay the night. I witnessed Parker's first meltdown and Bodde withdrawal the other night. Sobs, literally. On the phone with both Kels & Graham...that kid has the biggest attachment to that dog. But he's not just ANY dog...he's our Bodde!!!!!
Anyways, then we are off to Wisconsin for a long weekend! We are counting the days - really, on our 5 fingers - Parker knows that on the "ring finger" day we get to go see Graham, Kellsey, & Bodde. And on the "pinky finger" day we get to see Mark, Terri & the horsies. You should HEAR the excitement in his voice!!!
We are also gearing up for the family reunion in August. Aunt Evelyn is expecting over 100+ people...should be a great time!
It's a late post - I'm off to bed. We get to sleep in tomorrow morning, so I can get away with sneaking onto the computer at night. Which, by the way is one of Parker's new favorite things to do. He absolutely *LOVES* the www.starfall.com website to work on his letters. I'm trying to find some more educational sites to incorporate into his viewing...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
One last thing...I heard from Kenadi's mom (one of the other GAP winners) this week, and got goosebumps reading her email. Our internet is up and running (thanks to whoever in the neighborhood has an unsecured connection!). When I told Parker that I got a letter from her, he grinned from cheek to cheek...and then asked when we were going to see her :) Gotta love the curiosity of a 3 year old. There are some days when I wish he would understand the concept of time, and other days when I'm glad he can't comprehend.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Red, White & Blue
Wishing you all a splendid 4th of July!!! Parker and I are headed to Lake Florida at the end of the day. He has been carrying around his little Spiderman container with 2 bobbers and a little fish in it - asking me "can I go fishing with my papa now?". He also can't wait to swim, play in the sand, ride his bike & scooter (which Papa needs to do some fixing on...those darn training wheels), and spend time with friends & family. His cousins: Brandon, Sean, & Amanda will be over for a slumber party tonight - he has already told me who he wants to sleep by, Miss Amanda of course. He absolutely LOVES playing with the 3 of them, and it's a little "mini tradition" that they all get to stay overnight for the 4th of July. My mom adores having the 4 of them for the night...they're like our 4 little 4th of July cuties :) They get to stay up late, we play games, make yummy pancakes, and usually are entertained by Amanda's stories (she is quite the little talker and she cracks me up every time with how much she knows about things!). I don't know who has more fun at the sleepovers - the kids or the grown-ups?!!!

In other news, it is Parker's LAST day at New Horizons (*tear*)- I am extremely thankful for the friends and learning that he has done. Parker has attended the center since he was 6 weeks old...there were a few tears last night when I picked him up and I anticipate more today. Not of him - but this mom here. I can honestly say that this is one of the most challenging things I've been faced with as a parent thus far. I'm sure there will be more complex, different issues that evolve over the years, but in this very moment at this very point in our lives - this daycare switch is the hardest. We have so many GREAT memories of New Horizons! Praises and plauds to all of the wonderful teachers at NHA - everyone there is simply THE BEST!!!!! We hope to stay in touch with his 2 best friends, Tommy & Olivia. I sent my camera with him to school today, so hopefully we get a few good shots of the kiddos :)
I'm looking forward to attending the parade in Spicer on Friday with Parker. And on Saturday, I'm going to a wedding in Sartell with Karl. I don't like to talk much about "me" on this blog...but this is one amazing guy that I am happy to share about :)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Super Jump Weekend
Parker had his share of the Super Jumps this weekend! We took in the Sauk Rapids Food Fest, and many of the Granite City Parade and festivities. Parker LOVED the parade, and is still talking about it. He wanted to make sure we got a picture of "Old McDonald" and the "big backhoe". I'll have to make sure and get these in his scrapbook :) I was exhausted after all of the events, but it was well worth the excitement on Parker's face at the end of the day. Enjoy the photos from our weekend!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
River Bats game + Party Time Inflatables + PineCone Vision Center
Karl, Parker, and I went to the RiverBats game last night. Parker got a little anxious around the 6th inning - but he LOVED the bat :) He kept asking where the bat was and kept his eye on him the whole time. They even posed for a picture...isn't this CUTE?!!!!!

And...how's this for free advertising? I'm now an official shirt holder and walking ad Party Time Inflatables. This picture could definitely be put to use for some good promo stuff! Parker couldn't resist last night, and asked me to try it on AND take his pic. What a kid :)

And now, for the exciting news I can finally share with all of you! I've accepted a new job at PineCone Vision Center. I will be an Optemetric Technican and am really excited about this new opportunity. My first day is on July 8th and I couldn't be happier!!!

And...how's this for free advertising? I'm now an official shirt holder and walking ad Party Time Inflatables. This picture could definitely be put to use for some good promo stuff! Parker couldn't resist last night, and asked me to try it on AND take his pic. What a kid :)

And now, for the exciting news I can finally share with all of you! I've accepted a new job at PineCone Vision Center. I will be an Optemetric Technican and am really excited about this new opportunity. My first day is on July 8th and I couldn't be happier!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Little lake boy

So excited it's finally summer! Parker will be a little fish this summer. We are hoping to get to the lake NEXT weekend. It's crazy how things pop up on the calendar and make us so busy.
Parker has been such a good boy lately. He is a little jabber mouth. For those of you who know me, believe it or not - he talks more than ME! I know, hard to believe...but it's so true.
I'm waiting for some exciting news that I can hopefully share next week. Until then - have a great weekend and soak up some sun!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Alyssa's graduation

Wow...this was 2 weeks ago! Here is a quick photo of Parker + Papa after the graduation ceremony. Visit 2peas for a peek at the album I created for Alyssa :)
Designer Calls + album
I've been trying to upload this onto 2peas, and have been unsuccessful ;( It must be a setting on my computer or something. Anyway...I'm searching for designer calls this week, in my attempt to be on a design team for a scrapbooking company. Wish me luck! I'll be posting *MANY* of my recent layouts on my blog this week. For all of your non-scrappers...sorry! For all of my fellow scrappers out there - ENJOY!

Friday, May 23, 2008
HaPpY BiRtHdAy to me :)

A: Parker, do you know what tomorrow is?
P: It's a school day, mama.
A: Yes, and it's also Mama's Happy Birthday!
P: No kidding...can you beyieve it?
A: Won't it be so special.
P: You are going to have a pink pwesent.
A: Really? What will be in my pink present?
P: We have to wait and see!
A: Ok. Is it pink?
P: Your pwesent is a pink monsto truck!
A: WOW - cool. How are you going to get that for mama?
P: Im gonna drive all by myself in da car to Tawget and get your pink monsto truck, mama.
A: I can't wait!
P: And then you can blow your candles.
A: Yes, will you help me?
P: Yep. We gotta wait though. And sing you Happy Birfday first.
So cute! We ate outside at Quizno's last night for supper, and then just went home to play in the driveway. No cake or cupcakes - maybe this weekend. We did have chocolate chip cookies though. Yummy. Parker sang me "Happy Birthday" last night before he went to bed. I had tears in my eyes :) He is the best present to me!!!
I have some photos from last weekend as well - when Aunie was at our house to visit! It was so windy they didn't even have to blow to get bubbles :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Baseball Boy

We took in a softball game the other night. Parker *loves* watching. And looks forward to the time he can spend ON the field after the games are done to play ball. He's quite the hitter already. We have started playing when we are at home now, and he runs around the bases and everything. What a riot to watch! No sliding yet...thank goodness. I'm not ready for those grass stains quite yet. I know that they will be appearing on his knees soon though. 

Thursday, May 8, 2008
June 13, 2009
It's official - Kels & Graham have the date set for the wedding next June at Ruttgers. Stay tuned for more details :)
Parker and I will have the honor of being in their wedding party - yay! I will be standing with tears and tissues right next to my sister on the big day as her Maid of Honor. *SO* excited! And little Parker will be dressed in his tuxedo and have the big job of ring bearer. He talks about the wedding:
P: Where is married, mama?
M: Well, Parker...auntie Kels and Graham are GETTING married
P: Oh.
M: We get to go and have fun at a BIG party for Graham & Kels...
P: And Bodde too?
M: Sorry, buddy. Bodde has to stay home.
He's ALWAYS got that dog's best interest at hand. Love that the 2 of them are {connected} in a special way.
We are ~beyond excited~ that we get to be part of the Ruppel wedding!!!!!
Parker and I will have the honor of being in their wedding party - yay! I will be standing with tears and tissues right next to my sister on the big day as her Maid of Honor. *SO* excited! And little Parker will be dressed in his tuxedo and have the big job of ring bearer. He talks about the wedding:
P: Where is married, mama?
M: Well, Parker...auntie Kels and Graham are GETTING married
P: Oh.
M: We get to go and have fun at a BIG party for Graham & Kels...
P: And Bodde too?
M: Sorry, buddy. Bodde has to stay home.
He's ALWAYS got that dog's best interest at hand. Love that the 2 of them are {connected} in a special way.
We are ~beyond excited~ that we get to be part of the Ruppel wedding!!!!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
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